Food Distributions

We provide culturally appropriate fresh produce, staple foods, and resources. Since 2020, we have rescued and distributed one million pounds of food annually, including fresh produce, dairy, and meat, through large-scale “Grab-And-Go” food distributions, smaller community partner events, and the Montgomery County Summer Meals program. Follow our Instagram and Facebook for updates on upcoming distributions.

Diaper Distributions

We partner with the DC Diaper Bank to provide a monthly supply of diapers to low income families in zip codes 20886, 20879, and 20877. Sign up for diapers here.

Career Advancement

We help connect the community to job opportunities, including ESOL classes, healthcare certificate scholarships, breastfeeding support for working parents, and more. Every year during tax season, we run a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and assist low-income clients with maximizing their refund through free tax preparation assistance.

Youth Wellness

We are cultivating Calmer Schools with Trauma-Informed Care and Mental Health Support for students at Gaithersburg High School. If you are interested in learning more, email

Tax Preparation Services

Every year during tax season, we run a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and assist low-income clients with maximizing their refund through free tax preparation assistance.

Early Childhood Development

We have been commissioned with $2.25 million in public funding from the Maryland Assembly and Montgomery County to help meet the critical need in Upcounty for quality early child education and care. The Family Empowerment Center will provide holistic family supports through community-based childcare, workforce development, food and resource assistance, and healthcare support.

Breastfeeding Support

We offer free or low-cost lactation support from Abbie Bridges, MPH and Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC). This valuable service is offered to parents seeking assistance and support for breastfeeding concerns. For further details and to get help, please reach out to Abbie by sending an email to

The Cooperative

The Cooperative is a voluntary group organized for the purpose of mutual support and service, relational connection, and community development.